Ten Tips to Help You Improve Your Insurance Score
April 1, 2013
- Pay your bills on time. Timeliness in paying your bills improves your score
- Manage your outstanding balances. As a rule of thumb, maintain account balances at least 75 percent below your available credit
- Avoid excessive inquiries to your credit reports. Too many inquiries may negatively impact your score
- Limit the number of credit accounts. Your access to excessive unused credit could result in too much debt
- Review your credit report regularly. Know what is on your credit report, and take necessary steps to dispute any inaccuracies
- Avoid ‘quick’ credit fixes. Good credit is built over time
- Manage your debt consolidation. Consider how to effectively pay down your debt without generating more credit activity
- Limit the amount of new debt you take on. Too many new loans or credit accounts opened in a short amount of time can negatively effect your credit rating
- Establish credit if you do not have a long track record. A longer credit history has a positive impact on your score
- Work with your creditors. Resolve outstanding balances before they are turned over to a debt collector
If you would like to see if we could lower your insurance premium based on your insurance score call us at (845) 883-4280